Onboarding looks a lot different than it used to. Office tours and welcome to the team pizza parties are slowly fading away. With remote onboarding becoming the standard, how can businesses utilize technology to add interactive training for engaging remote onboarding?
Send a Warm Welcome Video
A warm smile can travel through technology to your new hire. Feature a message from your CEO, a manager, or another team member that your new hire will spend time with.
Quiz Your New Hire
Systems and processes don’t have to be memorized, but employees should know where to access resources, files, and training documents. Creating an interactive module that quizzes new hires where to access resources can be helpful.
Set Up a One-On-One
If possible, the more face-to-face interaction during the first 90-days, the better. Organize a one-on-one meeting with influential team members they should connect with and a strong point of contact.
Organizing a department-wide competition or contest is an excellent way to engage your team and involve them quickly.
Check out our list of easy online games to play with your team