Payroll Schedule
Important W-2 Information
2023 W-2 statements are available now online
Once available, Wollborg Michelson provides online access of employees 2023 W2 through the Employee Self Service portal https://access.paylocity.com.
Sign up to sign up for the Employee Self Service portal, email accounting@wmjobs.com to request for a passcode to register your Self-Service account.
Password Reset Go to https://access.paylocity.com/ and click on Forgot Password.
W-2 Reissue for tax year 2021 or prior email requests to accounting@wmjobs.com. Requests may take 7-10 days to be processed.
Due to the volume of requests being received at this time, as well as to protect the confidentiality of your information, phone requests are not accepted.
Undeliverable W2s WM Accounting will make every effort to contact the employee if their W-2 is returned in the mail.
Incorrect Social Security Numbers or Name will require a corrected W2 (W2-C). If an employee received a W2 with an incorrect social security number or name, contact accounting@wmjobs.com,
Wollborg Michelson provides each employee a Paylocity Employee Self Service account to access their HR and Payroll records online. The portal provides a secure online and mobile access to employee’s paystubs, personal data, direct deposit, and taxes.
To access the Employee Self Service portal, go to https://access.paylocity.com/. To sign up for the Employee Self Service portal, email accounting@wmjobs.com to request for a passcode to register your Self-Service account.
New employees will receive an email with the passcode to register for Paylocity the week prior to their start date. Passcodes are valid for 10 days. After the 10th day, the passcode will expire, and the employee will need to email accounting@wmjobs.com for a new passcode.
The client ID is 166286.
Employees may access their W‐2 online by logging onto https://access.paylocity.com. Under the Pay Tile, select the check date to view the paystub details.
Through the Employee Self Service, employees can verify if they are receiving direct deposit or a net check. Net checks are live checks. The employee can also verify the direct deposit account that is setup in Paylocity.
If the routing or account number is incorrect, employees may contact accounting@wmjobs.com for help resolving the issue.
If the routing and account number is correct, employees should contact their financial institution. Many times, financial institutions have their own processes which could delay posting funds to individual accounts.
Employees may request prior year’s paystubs, by emailing accounting@wmjobs.com.
Contact sickpay@wmjobs.com for all questions and concerns regarding calculating your sick pay.
Contact your recruiter or email accounting@wmjobs.com with the correct information as soon as possible.
Wollborg Michelson calculates taxes withheld from employees’ paychecks based on the information provided on the employees W-4 form(s).
Employees may change their tax exemption through the Employee Self Service portal. Log onto https://access.paylocity.com. Under the Pay tile, select More. Select View/Edit Tax Setup.